Spokane has reasonably lovely weather, but sometimes our climate can be a problem. We get 44 inches of snow a year, which can cause severe issues with frozen pipes. If your pipes aren’t ready for a Spokane winter, you might be in for a nasty surprise.
Frozen Pipes in Spokane
Frozen pipes are a problem because water expands as it freezes. This expansion can put severe pressure on your pipes, which can cause them to burst. While a burst pipe full of frozen water might not seem like a huge problem, you will likely experience issues once the water begins to melt.
How Do You Unfreeze Frozen Pipes?
Before you begin, make sure you shut your water supply off. Check out our video for how to find your main water supply:
Next, be prepared for water gushing out of the pipe. While it’s frozen, the tube won’t present much of a mess, but once you begin the unfreezing process, prepare for water to rush out of any cracks in the pipe. Use a source of heat, such as a space heater, heat lamp, or hairdryer, to start to thaw the length of the pipe. Once this process is complete, wrap any undamaged section of the pipe with thermostatically controlled heat tape. Avoid using a heat source like a propane torch, which can be a fire hazard. If you do notice your pipe has burst sections, it’s time to call an experienced plumber to fix the issue.
How Much Does Pipe Bursting Repair Cost?
A burst pipe repair can range between $100 and $2,000, depending on several factors. The cost of your pipe repair will depend on the location and the extent of the damage. For example, if the pipe is easy to access, it will likely be a quick repair, which will be less expensive. However, a slab leak repair will be a more costly fix, since the leak will be located under the concrete foundation of the home or business. Repairing a slab leak involves working under the slab or needing to tear out and replace the concrete.
Ready to get started with our Spokane Valley plumbers? Call us today or reach out to us online!
Sump Pump Repair in spokane, WA
People use sump pumps in the lowest points in their houses to help prevent flooding during incredibly rainy seasons. If your sump pump isn't working normally, you should get it repaired as soon as you realize there's an issue. Sump pumps help prevent water damage and mold growth in your home, so routine maintenance of your sump pump can help prevent more extensive issues later. However, if you need sump pump repair in spokane, WA, ASAP, give our team at Mr. Rooter Plumbing of spokane a call!