The Problem With Thunderstorms
When it comes to residential plumbing, you can bet that most of your pipes are made of metal, which of course is a conductor of electricity. What does all of this have to do with thunderstorms? Well, lightning usually accompanies thunder during a storm, which is where the issue of conductivity comes into play.
Lightning occurs when electrical charges built up in a thundercloud meet with the electrical charge of the ground. This most frequently occurs around tall structures, and is especially prevalent in homes due to the conductivity of the metal pipes and plumbing within the walls.
If your house is struck by lightning, the energy likely went through your pipes and plumbing, causing damage along the way. This damage could be a cracked PVC pipe, which could cause a minor leak — or, it could be a ruptured metal pipe that would cause major internal water damage to your home.
Proactive Steps You Can Take
There is no rhyme or reason as to where or when a lightning strike may occur, which is part of what makes them so dangerous. Thankfully, there are summer plumbing tips you can follow to be proactive and protect yourself and your home’s plumbing from the damaging effects of lightning.
Replace PVC
Any part of your residential plumbing that contains PVC should be replaced with metal pieces. The pipes and plumbing in older homes are usually all metal, but newer homes have PVC dispersed throughout the home, which creates a break in the energy current that can cause damage to your plumbing.
Fix the Problem
As soon as you begin to suspect you might have a leak or any other plumbing issue, fix it. It will not get better on its own, but will more likely get worse over time. If the house is hit again with lightning before the initial problem is fixed, it could cause thousands of dollars worth of damage.
Avoid Faucets and the Shower
For your own safety, and the safety of your entire family, stay away from every faucet and shower in your home until the storm is over. Do not wash your dishes, do not do the laundry, and do not take a shower or bath. When you’re interacting with the plumbing and lightning strikes your home, but the electric current is not stopped within your pipes, you could become injured or even die.
The Answer to Your Problem
If your home becomes the victim of a summer thunderstorm plumbing attack, contact your local Mr. Rooter Plumbing to receive specialized care. If you need immediate assistance, call Mr. Rooter Plumbing on our 24/7 emergency service line. We will be there for you, day or night, or anytime you need us.