Professional Leaking Pipe Repair in Lincoln Park, Chicago

We Repair Leaking Pipes

A dripping pipe can be a sneaky culprit that damages your home and makes your water bills skyrocket. Our service professionals can quickly diagnose and repair leaking pipes in your home. Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Lincoln Park provides residential leaking pipe repair services in Lincoln Park and nearby Chicago neighborhoods. When you notice any signs of a leak, we send our service professionals to you to offer an effective solution. Contact us today to learn more about our professional leak repair services.

Mr. Rooter plumber explains leaking pipe repair while showing homeowner a drain pipe

Common Causes of Water Leaks

A water leak can happen for almost any reason. Your pipes work hard daily to pump water throughout your home. Some of the most common causes of water leaks include the following:

Pipe Joints 

The most common cause of water leaks is a leak near the pipe joint. As water passes through the pipe joints, it swirls and squeezes into each pipe. The additional turbulence breaks down the pipe joint over time.

Hard Water Leak

If your water has a high level of minerals, it will cause your water pipes to deteriorate faster. Water with a low pH value can affect corrosion as the pipes age.

Water Pressure 

Water will shoot through your pipes at an accelerated rate of speed if it is highly pressurized. The pipes wear away over time as the pressure forces tiny fractures.

Leaking Toilet Repair

If your toilet is leaking, it can lead to 60,000 gallons of water loss per month. When you notice any signs of a leaky toilet, contact us. The signs of a leaking toilet include the following:

  • Puddles of water near the base of your toilet
  • Unusual water bill spikes
  • Bubbling or gurgling sounds in your toilet pipes
  • Tiles or other flooring rising around the toilet
  • Sewage odors near your toilet

Faucet Leak Repair

If you have a leaky faucet, it’s important to get leak repairs quickly. The following are signs you have a leaking faucet:

  • Water dripping from your faucet
  • Clicking or banging sounds in the pipes
  • Rust-colored water or puddles at the faucet base
  • Loose faucet
  • Moldy smells
  • Higher-than-usual water bills

Water Heater Leak Repair

Many people only notice a water heater leak when it’s too late to repair. Contact us immediately if you notice any of the following signs of a water leak:

  • Water is cold
  • Water temperature is uneven
  • Water puddles at the base of the water heater
  • Tiles rising around the water heater
  • Banging or rattling sounds in the water heater

Washing Machine Leak Repairs

Washing machine leaks can be caused by water line clogs and corroded hoses. Some of the signs you have a washing machine leak include the following:

  • Pools of water at the base of the washing machine
  • Loose washing machine hose connections
  • Mold or mildew smells near the washing machine

Sewer Pipe Leak Repairs

A sewer pipe leak can lead to messy and unsanitary environments. The following is how to tell if your sewer pipe is leaking:

  • High water bills
  • Lawn indentations
  • Sewage smell
  • New pest infestation
  • Unusual wet spots

Water Line Repairs & Replacements

When your water line is damaged, our service professionals work quickly to repair it. Detecting water line leaks with the naked eye is challenging since water lines are underground. We diagnose water line leaks with video camera inspection equipment. We will determine if repairing or replacing your water line is in your best interest.

Tips to Prevent Water Leaks

We do our best to keep your plumbing in excellent health with our preventative plumbing maintenance plan. We routinely inspect your plumbing’s health to help locate early signs of plumbing issues. Leaks can occur at any time, so we try to stay ahead of any plumbing issues in your home. Contact us as soon as you notice a plumbing issue.

Contact Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Lincoln Park

Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Lincoln Park always puts your plumbing needs first. Our service professionals work quickly to locate your plumbing leaks and provide options for repair. Our team offers estimates for all our plumbing services without any hidden fees. We can handle any type and size of leak. Our innovative plumbing technology helps efficiently solve your plumbing problems. Contact us today to get an estimate on our leak repair services in Lincoln Park and nearby Chicago communities, including Lakeview, West Loop, Old Town, River North, and more.

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