Many drains clog because many people don’t know what can and can’t be Hands with the plunger in the sink in need of plumbers in Columbia, SC flushed down your drains. For example, people put a lot more credit for food disposal in their kitchen sink drains than they probably should. While garbage disposals help prevent clogs, they’re not indestructible, and they can’t dissolve everything. For example, throwing eggshells down the garbage disposal risks the material getting caught in the garbage disposal teeth, which can prevent the mechanism from working.
Here are a few things you should dispose of in the trash, rather than flushing down your drains:
- Coffee grounds
- Feminine hygiene products
- Pasta
- Grease, oil, and fats
- Cotton balls
- Hair
- Medication
- Condoms
- Kitty litter
- Eggshells
- Makeup disposal cloths
- Rice
- Ear swabs
- Cotton pads
- Paint
- Household cleaners
- Paper towels
- Produce stickers
Being unable to throw fat and grease down the sinks surprises many people since getting rid of fat is part of the cooking process if you’re using the same pan for multiple dishes. However, hot water can only do so much to clear your drains. Once the water cools and the drain’s temperature falls, the liquified grease begins to solidify, reducing room in the drain and catching other materials that get flushed down the drain.
Another way to avoid clogs as often as possible is to use hair catchers on your bathroom sink and shower drains. Human hair is one of the most common causes of drain clogs. Humans shed consistently, and hair doesn’t dissolve in the drains. If it catches on other materials in the drains, such as soap, it’s the perfect recipe for a drain clog.