When you have a problem with your gas line, you can’t fix it yourself with a household toolbox. Finding a qualified, reliable professional for a gas line inspection will protect the health and safety of you and your family. At Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Albany, our team has decades of experience installing gas lines and completing gas line replacements in Albany, OR. We can complete a thorough inspection of your gas line and determine if it is safer and more cost-effective to recommend gas line repair or gas line replacement.
We also offer new gas line installation for water heaters, gas dryers, outdoor fire pits and barbecues, and stoves. If you've just moved into a new home, are remodeling, or want to lower your electric bill by switching to gas appliances, we can help. We can install gas lines quickly, safely, and affordably. If you're worried about the cost of installing a gas line or replacing a gas line, request a job estimate through our website. To schedule an appointment for gas line replacement or gas line installation, call our 24/7 live answering service today.